Welcome to McNeil Dental, your destination for family dentistry and cosmetic dentistry in Pittsburgh, PA and the surrounding area. Our dentists can handle all your needs for dental care and cosmetic needs in one place, ensuring that one simple call gets your teeth looking and working just the way you need them to.
Our dentists use the highest quality equipment and facilities to perform emergency dentistry and install dental bridges so that your dental work can be as comfortable and successful as possible. Our cosmetic dentists specialize in teeth cleaning and teeth whitening so that you can get the brilliant, beautiful smile you've always wanted. We make sure that all of your dental needs are satisfied.
McNeil Dental has the dental clinic with all the tools, facilities, and expertise to handle all of your dentistry needs in one convenient place for one affordable price. Our dental office is committed to providing every service and product available to help you maintain healthy teeth and a beautiful smile your whole life. Contact McNeil Dental today and we'll give you a comprehensive description of all the services and products we offer for expertly managing your oral health.